
Truly Greenwich Village

Exciting news at Grade "A" Fancy headquarters today. We proudly present our ideal map of Greenwich Village, the product of a collaboration with the fabulous Herb Lester Associates. This is a guide to the Greenwich Village you had in mind: that place famous for attracting artists and charlatans, litterateurs and anarchists, immigrants from lands afar and refugees from a stifling strait-laced society as close as the next subway station.  The words and design are ours, but the inspiration for this project is the good people at Herb Lester. They put out a dazzling line of tourist maps — real inky-papery objects, mind you, none of this virtual tat — every one of which sparkles with wit and delights the eyes. You are all required to visit their site and buy every last thing on it. If you live in the tri-state area, you can find Herb Lester goods at the Strand, and at McNally Jackson bookstore in SoHo. More brick-and-mortar purveyors all over the world can be found here.

And this is a set of photos to whet your appetite.